As we age, our sleep needs and comfort preferences change, making a good night's sleep crucial for seniors' overall well-being. Adjustable beds have become a popular choice for seniors seeking a restful slumber while addressing specific health concerns. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of adjustable beds for seniors and highlight some of the best adjustable beds for seniors in the market today. Whether you're a senior yourself or caring for an elderly loved one, read on to discover how an adjustable bed can improve sleep quality and overall quality of life.

The Benefits of Adjustable Beds for Seniors 

  • Improved Comfort: 

Adjustable beds allow seniors to find the perfect sleeping position, alleviating discomfort and pain associated with conditions like arthritis, back pain, and sleep apnea.

  • Enhanced Mobility: 

Seniors can easily adjust the bed's height and position, making it easier to get in and out of bed reducing the risk of falls.

  • Better Circulation: 

Elevating the legs can help improve blood circulation, which is beneficial for those with conditions like edema or restless leg syndrome.

  • Independence: 

Adjustable beds empower seniors to control their sleeping positions, reducing the need for constant assistance and promoting a sense of independence.

  • Customized Sleep: 

Couples can have different sleeping preferences; adjustable beds with air bed mattresses allow each person to customize their side of the bed for optimal comfort.

Best Adjustable Beds for Seniors 

  • Yawnder 6.0: 

The Yawnder 6.0 is one of the best adjustable beds for seniors who seek both comfort and functionality. It offers a variety of customizable positions, including head and foot articulation, so that seniors can find their ideal sleeping and resting positions. The bed also comes with a wireless remote for easy adjustments, massage features, and under-bed lighting for added convenience. Its sturdy build and whisper-quiet motors make it an excellent choice for seniors looking for a reliable adjustable bed.

  • Dawn House Bed: 

The Dawn House Bed is a specialized option designed with seniors' comfort in mind. It offers a range of features, such as adjustable height, which makes getting in and out of bed more accessible for seniors with mobility issues. This bed also includes a built-in massage function and a wireless remote for ease of use. Its thoughtful design and attention to senior-specific needs make it a top pick for elderly individuals.

  • Malouf S755: 

The Malouf S755 is the best adjustable beds for seniors that combines style and functionality. It boasts head and foot articulation, a wall-hugging design, and a wireless remote control. Additionally, this bed includes dual massage zones and under-bed lighting, making it an excellent choice for seniors who want a luxurious sleeping experience. Its sturdy construction and compatibility with most air bed mattress types add to its appeal.

  • Amerisleep Adjustable Bed: 

Amerisleep is known for its high-quality mattresses, and its adjustable bed frame is no exception. This bed offers head and foot adjustment, making it easy for seniors to find their most comfortable sleeping positions. It also includes features like massage, USB ports, and programmable memory settings, allowing seniors to customize their sleep experience. Its durable build and sleek design make it a top contender for seniors looking for both style and functionality.

  • Nectar Adjustable Bed: 

The Nectar Adjustable Bed is an affordable yet feature-packed option for seniors. It offers head and foot adjustment, making it easy to relieve pressure on joints and improve circulation. This bed also includes a massage feature and built-in USB ports for convenience. Its budget-friendly price point and straightforward design make it an attractive choice for seniors seeking comfort without breaking the bank.


When it comes to selecting the best adjustable beds for seniors, there are several excellent options available to cater to varying needs and preferences. Whether you prioritize advanced features, specialized design, or budget-friendly choices, these top adjustable beds, including Yawnder 6.0, Dawn House Bed, Malouf S755, Amerisleep Adjustable Bed, and Nectar Adjustable Bed, offer a range of options to enhance comfort and sleep quality for seniors.